Pumpkin Walk

WHEN : Oct 26, 2024

WHERE : Gold Bar Park 

**October 8 -Advance tickets available for Festival Volunteers only 

To Volunteer Sign up HERE 

**October 12-tickets go on sale for School Families & WESE members only

Bring Baked Goods Sign up HERE

Purchase tickets here 


The Water of Life

(Adapted for the WISE Charter School Pumpkin Walk)

Cast of Characters:

(Total Minimum Amount of Actors Needed Per Shift = 15)

– The King (2 kings needed per shift. Total 4 kings)

– The Prince (Youngest son. Prince will be the guide. Minimum of 4 princes per shift. Total minimum 8 princes/guides)

– The Dwarf (1 per shift. Total 2 dwarves.)

– The Two Haughty Princes (4 Haughty Princes needed per shift. Total 8 Haughty Princes)

– The Gate Keeper (1 needed per shift. Total 2 Gate keepers)

– The Lions (1 or 2 lions per shift. Total 2 or 4 Lions)

– The Fountain (1 Fountain per shift. Total 2 Fountains)

– The Princess (1 Princess Per shift. Total 2 Princesses)


The King: Royal robes, with a Crown, ornate cane etc.

The Prince/Guide: Princely attire, fancy shirt and pants, scabbard and sword at hip, perhaps small crown.

The Dwarf: Dressed like a fairytale Gnome. Long beard, pointy hat, big coat with a belt.

The Two Haughty Princes: Very similar to the guide/prince. Fancy shirt and pants, scabbard and sword at hip, perhaps small crown.

The Lions: Manes, tails, furry coats

The Gatekeeper: Looks like a castle guard. Armor and/or Helmet

The Fountain: Dressed in flowing blue fabric, draped around them to give the illusion of flowing water.

The Princess: Dressed in a dress or finery, looking elegant, crown or tiara etc.


(The King – Dressed in Royal Robes / Crown / etc. Regal, but looking old and failing in health)

The King:

Oh Woe is me, I am old and frail

And fear I cannot trust my sons.

Two have left and not returned,

Can I count on the youngest one?

You all look brave, kind and strong,

With you to watch over him, 

I cannot go wrong!

(He indicates to the youngest prince / guide with the group who will ferry the children along the path.)

The Prince / Guide:

Never fear Father, for we will do our best!

The Water of Life is waiting at the end of out quest;

We will return and make you hearty and hale,

With all of these friends along, I cannot possibly fail!

(The Prince motions for the children to follow him, “Come along Friends!” and move along to the next station… along the way he instructs them, “We are on a Quest! When you are asked by anyone, friend of foe, say “We are searching for the Water of Life!”)


(The Dwarf – Dressed as a fairy tale gnome. He leaps out from the tree line to surprise the group)

The Dwarf:

(Loudly) Whither away so fast?!

The Prince and the Group:

We are searching for the Water of Life!

The Dwarf:

Call me neither ‘Shrimp’ nor ‘Snippet’, or I will cast an evil vow – 

Since you are not haughty, but kind, I will help and tell you how;

The Water of Life flows within the enchanted castles gate,

You must not dawdle in your quest, here are some tools, now make great haste!

(The Dwarf gives The Prince a Metal Rod and Loaf of Bread, makes a flourish indicating the direction to continue.)


(The Two Haughty Princes – dressed in princely clothing, but both stuck between two large pillars)


Help us please! We fear we have spoken out of malice.

We only wished to help the king and bring back Water in a Chalice!

Do you believe us? Are we true? Do you think we could be of service to you?

Prince #1:

Where are you headed, fair friends?

Children and The Prince/guide:

We are searching for the Water of Life!

Prince #2:

Oh-HO! We have had quite enough of that quest!

Prince #1:

Beware of that Nasty Dwarf who casts wicked spells! He is the one who put us here!


We have already met him, and gained his assistance!

Prince #2:

Well in that case, begone with you! We will wait for someone who doesn’t run in the company of magic!


Yes! Shoo, shoo! Off with you!

(The group follows The Prince/Guide along the path.)


(2 Lions sit on either side of a large castle gate, looking very stately)


Who goes there?!

The Prince and Children:

We are searching for the Water of Life!


We do not like to be disturbed, our life is quite cozy and charmed, 

But if you have brought us something else, we will let you pass by unharmed!

(The Prince gives the Bread to the Lions)


Thank you, you may pass, The Fountain awaits!

Just past us, behind the Castle Gate!

(The Group passes by the Lions and approaches the Gate, which is large, and decorated in trailing ivy and looks quite medieval. The Gatekeeper steps out in front of the Gate, blocking the group’s way.)


Halt! Who approaches? 

The Prince and The Children:

We are searching for the Water of Life!


I will only open to those who are brave and kind!

If that be you, tap upon the gate tap three times,

Let the sound ring out clear and bold,

Then you will be privy of the glory past the gate, yours to behold.

(The Prince taps on the metal (bar, something to make a loud clear sound.) The Gatekeeper offers a bow, and opens the gate, allowing them to pass. The Prince and The Children walk through and continue on their way.)


(The Fountain – Dressed in flowing blue fabric, holding a pitcher of Water from which to pour from)

The Fountain:

Greetings friends, why are you here?

The Prince and The Children:

We are searching for The Water of Life!

The Fountain:

Such a noble quest you have taken on that cannot go unfulfilled,

I shall share with you precious waters, but please be careful lest they be spilled,

I will give to you a Golden Cup to hold with water and carry high,

And take with you to the king who needs it, lest he die.

Be wary, for there are those who may try to steal,

That which is not theirs, for the motives are not ideal.

Go quickly to the king, be sure to not get lost or stray,

A reward is given to brave souls whose quest sees the end of its day!

(The Fountain pours water from her pitcher into a Golden Chalice and gives it to The Prince.)

The Prince:

Now friends, do you think it is time to bring the Water of Life to the king at last?


The King (#2):

My son! You have returned, with your entire band!

I feared you would never finish your quest across this vast land!

The Two Haughty Princes (#2):

(They jump or stumble into the scene!)

Ha-HA! Dear father, do not trust this knave!

WE are the ones who are well and truly brave!

The Prince/Guide:

My King! Do not listen, for they are full of strife,

We have all traveled together to bring this remedy, the Water of Life!

It is our only hope that it will make you well,

Then my friends can all return to the land in which they dwell!

The King:

(Drinks the Water from the Gold Chalice, wipes his mouth, stands up straight and declares:)

A finer drink I have never had, this nectar is so sweet!

I feel fitter than a fiddle… you all deserve a treat!

Make your way one last time along the lamplit lane,

There is something waiting for you, this quest was not made in vain!


(The Princess – Dressed in finery / crown / etc.)

The Princess:

Your quest for the Water of Life has brought you to my path,

You have been loyal and brave, and traveled there and back;

Now comes the time for a just reward, perhaps you have been told,

As the Princess it is my right to bestow upon you, this gift wrapped in Gold!

(The Princess hands each child a treat or trinket, wrapped in gold.)

And now we bid you all farewell,

We shall all live happily again, and hope this story you will tell,

To all of those you come across, who not be as brave,

To quest for the Water of Life, for another’s life to save!
