La Chandeleur
Celebrating la Chandeleur at the WISE
Each class will be invited to the school gym to celebrate la Chandeleur. Grade 1-9 students will sing a song, prepare a crêpe, recite a verse and enjoy eating their crêpe.
This festival began in ancient times as a Celebration of Lights and of the Celtic goddess Brigit. During Christian times, in France, la Chandeleur took its name from the blessing of the candles on this day for use in the church throughout the coming year. Early February was also marked by the start of winter seed-time. Surplus flour was then used without too much risk of shortage and crêpes were made as a symbol of prosperity for the coming year.
In modern times, la Chandeleur is above all known as “crêpes day” and generations have kept alive a collection of traditions and customs around the making of crêpes. We also look to the hibernating animals to come out and see if it is still winter, and whether or not we will have an early Spring. We can see how Groundhog Day developed, as a secular response to the natural world at this time of year.
adapted from Vancouver Waldorf School : and
Volunteers needed!
The success of this event depends on having crêpes for everyone to enjoy. The good news is that crêpes can easily be made ahead of time, layered with parchment paper and frozen. Parents who are willing to help making crêpes may contact Christiane Moquin, the French teacher, at